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At the bottom of this page I have listed decoration pricing, cake flavors and fillings as well as cookies that I offer. If you would like to order something or know more about pricing please email me at peacelovepastrychef@yahoo.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

its all MY work

This is a cake that I did... it was all my idea and I did all of the work on my own. Yet my boss took all of the credit for it and never even said thank you.... unbelievable. It is a giant piece of candy for those who don't know. It was for twins who were turning 1 and having a candy themed party... I also did there matching "smash" cakes.

Friday, November 5, 2010


These are two cakes we did at work..I made all of the fondant pieces...

It's a BOY!!!

Congratulations Lynsey and Matt!!! This cake I did for Lynsey's birthday and to surprise them with the sex of their baby! This was also the second loop bow I ever made... and I am obsessed with it haha


I know it's been awhile but here are some birthday cakes I have done....

Here is another birthday cake I did... Happy Birthday Casen!