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At the bottom of this page I have listed decoration pricing, cake flavors and fillings as well as cookies that I offer. If you would like to order something or know more about pricing please email me at peacelovepastrychef@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A new thing I am doing is making custom cake and cupcake stands! Please email me if you are interested! Here is a picture of the one I made for my birthday...

What has been going on...

well alot! The cafe next door to the bakery I work at had there 1 year birthday party and I got to make the sandwich on top of the cake! The name of the cafe is "Rooba's" there signature sandwich is the "weenie panini" which is what I replicated in cake.

In the previous post I talked about the baby gender cupcakes...I wanted to show a picture of the cupcake cut in half to show how they are filled depending on the babys sex

and lastly I had my 20th birthday party over the weekend. I make all of the cupcakes and the topper cake was made by my boss at work. The cupcake flavors were white almond, chocolate, and blue velvet.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Over the weekend my close friends Brittany and Darrell found out what there baby was and it's a boy, Mason!! Brittany came up with a unique way to tell her family the baby's gender through cupcakes! We made white almond cupcakes and filled them with blue butter cream and I made purple booties out of butter cream to top them with so they wouldn't be able to tell the baby's sex from the cupcakes outside.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello Saturday!

Hello friends and followers! Today was another long day at work but like usual I have great pictures to show off! I also made some "Jonas Brother" cupcakes yesterday that I have to show! Wait, there is more good news! I have ordered some business cards and I am so excited to see them! On another note, a friend was telling me how they were looking at my pictures of my creations that I post on facebook and how I post them in order of how I make them and that you can really tell that I have improved with my skills. Which makes me real happy! Go check out my facebook and see my progress. One last thing that someone said to me today...which I already knew but I still took it a little weird....that "help is help" no one is going to be as passionate as you are about what you love and if someone isnt passionate they are just help..."help is help" strange yet interesting to think about