My photo
At the bottom of this page I have listed decoration pricing, cake flavors and fillings as well as cookies that I offer. If you would like to order something or know more about pricing please email me at peacelovepastrychef@yahoo.com

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa's little helpers!

This weekend I had two cakes to do and NO time to do them... so my mom and boyfriend, jordan, were recruited. They helped me bake all the cakes for this weekend as well as completely do one! Amazing right?! The orange leukemia ribbon cake was for a friend's fashion show that raised money for leukemia. the mickey cake was for a birthday, my mom and jordan did the whole thing!!!

This is the picture of the birthday cake they had to replicate...

pretty good huh?

some cakes I did at work...

the baby carriage matches the one on the invite

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

its all MY work

This is a cake that I did... it was all my idea and I did all of the work on my own. Yet my boss took all of the credit for it and never even said thank you.... unbelievable. It is a giant piece of candy for those who don't know. It was for twins who were turning 1 and having a candy themed party... I also did there matching "smash" cakes.

Friday, November 5, 2010


These are two cakes we did at work..I made all of the fondant pieces...

It's a BOY!!!

Congratulations Lynsey and Matt!!! This cake I did for Lynsey's birthday and to surprise them with the sex of their baby! This was also the second loop bow I ever made... and I am obsessed with it haha


I know it's been awhile but here are some birthday cakes I have done....

Here is another birthday cake I did... Happy Birthday Casen!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A new thing I am doing is making custom cake and cupcake stands! Please email me if you are interested! Here is a picture of the one I made for my birthday...

What has been going on...

well alot! The cafe next door to the bakery I work at had there 1 year birthday party and I got to make the sandwich on top of the cake! The name of the cafe is "Rooba's" there signature sandwich is the "weenie panini" which is what I replicated in cake.

In the previous post I talked about the baby gender cupcakes...I wanted to show a picture of the cupcake cut in half to show how they are filled depending on the babys sex

and lastly I had my 20th birthday party over the weekend. I make all of the cupcakes and the topper cake was made by my boss at work. The cupcake flavors were white almond, chocolate, and blue velvet.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Over the weekend my close friends Brittany and Darrell found out what there baby was and it's a boy, Mason!! Brittany came up with a unique way to tell her family the baby's gender through cupcakes! We made white almond cupcakes and filled them with blue butter cream and I made purple booties out of butter cream to top them with so they wouldn't be able to tell the baby's sex from the cupcakes outside.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello Saturday!

Hello friends and followers! Today was another long day at work but like usual I have great pictures to show off! I also made some "Jonas Brother" cupcakes yesterday that I have to show! Wait, there is more good news! I have ordered some business cards and I am so excited to see them! On another note, a friend was telling me how they were looking at my pictures of my creations that I post on facebook and how I post them in order of how I make them and that you can really tell that I have improved with my skills. Which makes me real happy! Go check out my facebook and see my progress. One last thing that someone said to me today...which I already knew but I still took it a little weird....that "help is help" no one is going to be as passionate as you are about what you love and if someone isnt passionate they are just help..."help is help" strange yet interesting to think about

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hi there strangers...

I know it has been ages since I have posted a blog and I apologize I have just been preoccupied! Let me share with you what you've missed! I went to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico which was AMAZING! I already want to go back! they had the neatest little pastry place there too "Senor Sweets" I have afew pictures from there that I will post! I have been making afew small cakes here and there too birthdays, baby showers and stuff like that. The future has the most exciting things though! On Sept. 10th my good friends Brittany and Darrell will find out what gender their baby is and I will be making them cupcakes for that occasion and my birthday is on the 14th and I will be making myself 55 cupcakes and a cake! Im very excited! So stay posted! There are many pictures to come!

A baby cake in Mexico...look at all that detail!

cheesecake in Mexico...so pretty! A berry

A small cake I made for Ashleys 28th

A baby shower cake I made...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Veronica's 20th Birthday cake! It was white almond cake with almond buttercream [yum]. Tell me what you think about it...and if you need one yourself!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This Chocolate Suicide cake is chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream and chocolate ganache poured over the top. It is $25 dollars as it which also includes any sort of inscription written on top. If you would like chocolate dipped strawberries on top it is $30.

It is also DELICIOUS.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Blue Roof Cupcake

This is the first of many new cupcake creations I have come up with. This cupcake is a Blue velvet cake with vanilla whipped buttercream and a blue roof on top! Any one from New Orleans would understand... it's a nawlins thing.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


The beach was beautiful [minus the oil] but I'm glad to be home. In less than a month I'll be on vacation again...Mexico! So any birthdays??? Anyone in need of cakes? cookies? something....I'm free! I have one cake booked for the best friend, Veronica, on July 10th..Other then that I'm free. I am also in the process of looking for a good charity that deals with the oil spill to help the animals...I would like to donate a portion of what I earn with my cakes to saving them. If anyone knows of a good organization please let me know!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Finally after 3 hours of driving we are in Pensacola! It was beautiful and I cant wait to get on the beach. Since this is my blog about pastries I will tell you that I made chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and brownies, yummm! I may put up my famous peanut butter cookie recipe later...until then tell me what your favorite peanut butter recipes are!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Long day...

Today was...rough. Work started at 6 and we did some pretty cool cakes! We made a buzz and woody cake and a castle cake. Through all of the stress everything came out great. Although while delivering the castle we had some minor breaking everything was fixed and looked good. I hope everyone was happy with there cakes, I know they were. The woody and buzz cake was my favorite manly because it was all my design. I made the head board, I made the carpet, I put the characters on....it was really cool i will try to put up a picture of it..I hope it works...anyway tomorrow is my free day and I cant wait!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It has finally arrived. This summer, for me at least, is going to be packed full of fun between vacations and friends birthdays I cant wait! I am going to Florida in June and my family has just let me know what dessert they would like. The pick is Creme Brulee. I am excited, iv never made this before outside of school. I will have to make a test batch soon too see how it goes. I will be sure to put up pictures and maybe even the recipe!

My first post!!

It took me long enough to figure out how to set this up... now I just need to get all of my pictures up here and I will be good!