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At the bottom of this page I have listed decoration pricing, cake flavors and fillings as well as cookies that I offer. If you would like to order something or know more about pricing please email me at peacelovepastrychef@yahoo.com

Monday, June 21, 2010


Finally after 3 hours of driving we are in Pensacola! It was beautiful and I cant wait to get on the beach. Since this is my blog about pastries I will tell you that I made chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and brownies, yummm! I may put up my famous peanut butter cookie recipe later...until then tell me what your favorite peanut butter recipes are!


  1. I love those peanut butter cookies that you make in a miniature muffin pan. When they come out of the oven and are still hot, stick a small Reese's peanut butter cup in the middle of each one and push down. YUM!

  2. iv never tried making then in a mini muffin pan..but i have put chocolate chunks ontop of them =] thanks for the mini muffin pan idea tho...
